位置:首頁(yè) > 案例作(zuò)品 > 商(shāng)業空間
納自然之形,建空間之意前廳曲線(xiàn)的流暢飄逸就像水的形态,靈與柔,傳遞出生命的韻律與自由原木(mù)色的天然紋理(lǐ),帶來沉穩内斂像一位集大成的智者 溫良謙讓,越低調,則越自清蓦然間,遇一陣清風徐來,舒爽而沁人心脾流利的線(xiàn)條妝點了畫作(zuò),純淨而簡潔黑色孕育了簡約大氣,白色帶來凝神思考,兩個圓圈代表同生共存、彼此依靠的合作(zuò)關系通過不同顔色、形狀、形式,創造一種空間中(zhōng)的能(néng)量流動
Accepting the shape of nature, the meaning of building space, the smooth and elegant curve of the front hall is like the shape of water, spirit and softness, conveying the rhythm of life and the natural texture of free wood color, bringing a calm and introverted look like a wise man with great success , The lower the key, the clearer you are. When a breeze comes, refreshing, refreshing and fluent lines make the paintings. Pure and simple black gives birth to a simple atmosphere, and white brings concentrating thinking. The two circles represent coexistence. The cooperative relationship of coexistence and mutual dependence creates a kind of energy flow in space through different colors, shapes and forms
預約熱線(xiàn)131 5623 1025
預約熱線(xiàn) 131 5623 1025